Forest and Sea: acquatic sports and marine conservancy.

This program is deployed in a series of field trips in which different ecosystems that are threatened are visited, some of them are marine protected areas, mangroves, dry forest, islets, and coastal communities of Manabí. The initiative seeks to enable adolescents to learn more about these ecosystems that are their backyard. Many of them come from fishing communities and do not know the wonders of the marine world. We seek to have our young people participate in different activities and thus open new opportunities for them. 

Fifteen teenagers, in rotating groups, selected from library users, are the direct recipients. Participants learn to exchange experiences with other conservation actors and develop skills such as snorkeling, diving, fish identification, coral nurseries, release of hammerhead shark pups trapped in fishing nests, identification of turtle nests and visits to mangroves. The purpose of the program is to create awareness and environmental commitment among the heirs of the equinox coast heritage. Also enable the possibilities of professions such as ecological guide; instruction in marine sports; continuation towards a university degree in biology, marine biology, tourism, among others. 


Community Library

This project was started by James Madden, a neighbor in Don Juan who in 2003 opened a small library for the kids of the community. After the earthquake, his house and library were left completely destroyed and James decided to donate his land to A mano Manaba so they could construct the Intercultural Center. While the Intercultural Center was built, the Foundation operated under a precarious bamboo structure.

Today, the library has a collection of more than 5,000 books and counting. Much of the bibliographic fund aimed to value what's ours and to use reading and writing as tools for building healthy self-esteem in Don Juan's community. The new library gave live to other activities and current projects like homework assistance and the remedial reading program, the teacher training program for rural teachers of Jama county and the project a day in the library", which, once a week, brings one local school class to the CIAMM.

A mano Manaba assists between 80 and 100 children each week. Since we oppened the new library, this figure continues to increase.

      Biblio - bus 

The Library bus is an extension of the library service in Don Juan.  We visit neighboring communities that have asked our assistance in order to start their own community LIbraries.  We are visiting these communities and sharing, resources, experience, and training. 

The Library bus wants to extend all the educational programs offered in Don Juan focused on gender equality, health, community leadership, conservation and sustainability, local organization and identity.

Teacher training 

Teachers from Jama county are always looking to better their pedagogical abilities. Through this program, A mano Manaba, together with the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education offer an official Teacher Training program.

Through a continuous education program we offer workshops and modules in: academic writing for teachers; resources for the integration of intercultural practices in the classroom; reading and writing workshops for primary and secondary education; training in aesthetic education for rural teachers. We also offer training in research through the creation of groups that investigate common themes.

How can you help

  1. Donate for the operation of the Library and the Library Bus through our Global Giving campaign, so we can bring the library to other villages in Jama.
  2. Donate books and educational material (books should be in good condition and should not contain violent or sexist views).
  3. Sign up as a volunteer. We need your help to teach English as a second language, Math, Homework assistance, Remedial Reading program. We also need help with capoeira, theater, painting, acrobatics, sports, etc...  Look for us in as "A Children´s Library by the beach".